Have you ever seen paintings pop out of the walls, floors and ceilings? At 3DAR Trick Art Museum in Santa Monica, you can experience optical illusions from paintings. This is the very first venue in the US to incorporate 3D art and Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Trick Art makes use of the Trompe-l’oeil art technique, which creates 3D optical illusions from two-dimensional paintings.

At 3DAR Trick Art Museum, you can experience special augmented reality such as riding in a dolphin carriage, swimming with nemo, fighting against fire breathing dragon, getting trapped in King Kong’s hand and so much more. This is where you are encouraged to engage with the paintings. There are 45 paintings that were drawn by artists who came from Korea and worked on them for a month. These paintings are AR enabled, which help you become the centerpiece of 45 different stories.

My family and I were invited to preview the 3DAR Trick Art Museum and we had a great time. Our acting skills were put to the test and we had so much fun being silly. When we arrived, we were asked to download the “Wake That Paint” app onto our phone in order to experience paintings come alive. We then joined the museum’s Wi-Fi network to maximize our experience while using the app. After that, we were off to a great start to explore the museum. At each painting, stand where the photo sticker is on the floor to get the best angle to take picture of the painting. From the “Wake That Paint” app, point your phone in front of the painting to active AR and start to record while the person acts out the scene.

Tips Before You Go:
- Make sure your phone is fully charged before you come.
- Download “Wake That Paint” app available on IOS/Android prior to attending.
- The closet parking to the museum is Parking Structure 2.
Please note the museum takes measurement to keep the experience safe for all guests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mask is required upon entered and when you cannot safely keep 6 feet of distance. Currently, there is no official opening date yet due to pending city’s permission. However, it should be open soon so stay tuned.
3DAR Trick Art Museum
1254 Third Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Have you ever visited 3D Trick Art Museum before?